Category: Community News

Imposter Syndrome: What It Is, and How to Overcome It 0

Imposter Syndrome: What It Is, and How to Overcome It

This post is based on episode 121 of the ProBlogger podcast. Today I’m going to talk about imposter syndrome. Do you ever fear you’re about to be found out? That it’s only a matter of time before everyone realizes you’re not as smart as they thought you were, or that you don’t really know what you’re doing? I’ve suffered from imposter syndrome quite a bit over the years. And I’m going to share a few occasions when it pretty much paralyzed me. But I’m also going to share seven different strategies you can use to deal with imposter syndrome, and even have...

Why Asking the Blogging Money Question Signals Future Struggles 0

Why Asking the Blogging Money Question Signals Future Struggles

Bloggers often claim blogging to be super hard, but I disagree. I once bench pressed 350 pounds, during my bodybuilding days some 25 years ago in college. Attempting to bench press 350 pounds now would be incredibly hard, absurdly difficult and nearly impossible. “Hard” means physically nearly impossible, a feat your body cannot achieve, because you have not trained yourself to physically acclimate your body to complete some taxing task. Based on this definition, blogging is not hard at all. Anyone can open a WordPress backoffice, type words and tap a publish button. But confusion arises because bloggers wrongly associate...

Real Skills That Pay and You Can Do Anywhere 0

Real Skills That Pay and You Can Do Anywhere

Mark Zeni As the economy shifts from time to time, the way people make a living are also affected. At the dawn of the new millennium, our economy has shifted into a fast-paced, highly competitive and digital economy. While most of us still choose a traditional desk and office jobs, more and more professionals and young adults are considering working home-based and still earn lucratively like a full-time job. If you’re planning to leave the office scene and work from home, the internet has vast resources and you can look for a job that pays for the skills that you...

How Can You Get High Quality Backlinks in 2020? 0

How Can You Get High Quality Backlinks in 2020?

Google search results are becoming ridiculously competitive. Plus, Google’s search results are becoming incredibly engaging: Many search users prefer to use search results (open “People Also Ask” results, clicks image and video carousels, etc.) that getting a click from search results is getting harder and harder. With the introduction of new and flashier ways to be seen, you still have to learn how to creatively and dynamically exploit those offered tools. Being seen with so many others attempting the same technique is just as hard as it was when visibility relied only on ranking. How to get more people click...

How to Find Time to Create a Product For Your Blog 0

How to Find Time to Create a Product For Your Blog

This post is based on episode 118 of the ProBlogger podcast. Creating and selling products such as ebooks and courses can be a great way to monetize your blog. But where do you find the time to create them? A lot of bloggers already struggle with finding enough time to write posts, promote them on social media, respond to readers’ comments and emails, and everything else that goes with running a blog. And they often have a full-time job and family commitments as well. I faced the same dilemma when I wrote the first ProBlogger book. I had numerous blogs at...

Effective Tips to Keep Your Child Safe on the Internet 0

Effective Tips to Keep Your Child Safe on the Internet

Mark Zeni The internet paved the way for easily accessible information anytime and anywhere. While this proves to have several benefits, it also poses certain risks because there are instances wherein even minors get to access content that are not meant for their young eyes to see. Thus, here are some effective tips on how to keep your child safe from the harms and risks that comes with internet access. Monitor your children’s online activity True enough your children need privacy as individuals, but in the same manner, they also need protection because more often than not, they are blinded...

4 Money-Making Article Examples Every Blogger Should Write! 0

4 Money-Making Article Examples Every Blogger Should Write!

Mark Zeni The advancements in modern technology paved the way for the digital world to flourish with readily accessible information that are contributed by both novice and seasoned writers and authors alike. With this, more and more writers saw the potential of turning their written art into something that can generate a positive revenue. However, not all writers are able to do so because of several reasons such as an undeniable talent in writing, but a lack of strategy. Nevertheless, whether you are one budding writer or already an expert in the field, it will greatly help to consider some...

How to Quit Your Job and Build an Online Business 0

How to Quit Your Job and Build an Online Business

Today I want to tell you some advice I received when I was starting out that I completely ignored completely but my friend took to heart. It’s a story about regret. And I hope it moves you to take more action on building your blog and your business. “Don’t Give Up Your Day Job” Back in 2004, a lot of people told me, “Don’t give up your day job”. I’d been blogging for about a year and a half, and I was starting to see that it was possible to make money blogging. At first, I didn’t tell anyone about...

How To Edit and Proofread Blog Posts Like A Pro 0

How To Edit and Proofread Blog Posts Like A Pro

Mark Zeni Writing an essay for school can be a very difficult thing to do for some people. All the spelling and punctuation need to be perfect and do not forget that the content needs to be quality as well. You may struggle with writing, whether it be writing an essay, blog post, email, or a novel. It can be hard to make sure your work is up to par and grammatically correct, but you need to understand that it does not need to be difficult to edit and proofread your work.  Here are some tips you can follow that...

How to Sell Your Content and Create a Separate Source of Income 0

How to Sell Your Content and Create a Separate Source of Income

As a publisher, you produce content because you want it to be seen. Generating traffic for that is the first aspect here. At the same time, you also want to optimize the ads on your site in order to maximize your monetization potential. Hence, figuring out how to monetize the traffic becomes the second aspect. You can’t just be tossing up random ads anywhere hoping for the best to happen. It takes the right tools with the right technology for the job. AdPushup, one of the fastest-growing revenue optimization tools out there, has been doing exactly that. Upon trying and...