Tagged: Making money

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Is Quiet Marketing the Next Big Thing in 2025?

Shush! Quiet marketing has entered the arena, and it may surprise you that this relatively new marketing strategy is making a lot of noise. The concept of quiet marketing is simple. It is about focusing on building genuine relationships, providing real value, and fostering trust rather than aggressive promotion. All of this can help you prioritise your own well-being and gain a sense of trust in yourself. The big question on everyone’s lips is, of course, whether this type of marketing is the future. The Rise of Quiet Marketing Several factors have helped to contribute to the shift in marketing...

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The Pros and Cons of Running Advertising on Your Blog

Do you run ads on your blog? Many bloggers do. In fact, people often start monetizing their blogs this way using an ad network such as Google AdSense. And many large websites are also supported by ads. So should you be running ads on your blog? There’s no easy way to answer that question. So in this post I’ll be taking you through some of the key advantages and disadvantages of running advertising on your blog. Four Reasons to Run Ads on Your Blog #1: It’s an Easy Monetization Method to Try One reason many new bloggers turn to ads is it’s a...

What’s a Membership Site … and Should You Create One? 0

What’s a Membership Site … and Should You Create One?

Do you wish you could make steady income from your blog? Maybe your advertising revenue has peaks and troughs. Sure, it’s great to have that chunk of money come in during the holiday season. But when it’s only trickling in the rest of the time it can be frustrating. Maybe you run a couple of ebook sales each year, which create only a short-term boost in sales. Or perhaps the money you make from promoting affiliate products isn’t consistent. One great option for earning an ongoing monthly income – especially if your blog is fairly well established and you’ve tried...


How to Create Products and Sell Them on Your Blog

This post is based on episode 67 of the ProBlogger podcast. This week I want to talk about creating a product for your blog. Last month I talked about my various profit streams, and how nearly a third of my profits come from product sales. And that’s obviously one good reason to create and sell products – it’s a great way to monetize your blog. But there’s another reason you should do it that goes beyond money. But before I get into that I want to tell you a little story. A tale of two buskers A while back my family...

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How I Created My Profit Streams and Became a Full-Time Blogger

This post is based on episode 153 of the ProBlogger podcast. Last week I talked about my profit streams – what they were, and what each one earned as a percentage of my total business profits. In case you missed what those percentages were, here’s a summary: affiliate commissions – 46% product sales (ebooks, presets, course and printables) – 31% AdSense – 8% sponsorship – 6% ProBlogger job board – 5% ProBlogger events – 3% miscellaneous – 1%. Now I can understand how all of those numbers (and the profits they represent) may seem overwhelming to a lot of you. And...

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How I Earn a Living as a Blogger from Digital Photography School

This post is based on episode 150 of the ProBlogger podcast. One of our main aims here at ProBlogger is to help people make money (if not a living) from their blogs. And we’ve certainly talked about it a lot over the years. We even have a portal dedicated to this very topic. But this week I’d like to give you some concrete examples by telling you how I earn a living from ProBlogger and Digital Photography School. Now before I get into the details, I need to tell you a few things. Firstly, this information is based on ProBlogger and...

How to Find Time to Create a Product For Your Blog 0

How to Find Time to Create a Product For Your Blog

This post is based on episode 118 of the ProBlogger podcast. Creating and selling products such as ebooks and courses can be a great way to monetize your blog. But where do you find the time to create them? A lot of bloggers already struggle with finding enough time to write posts, promote them on social media, respond to readers’ comments and emails, and everything else that goes with running a blog. And they often have a full-time job and family commitments as well. I faced the same dilemma when I wrote the first ProBlogger book. I had numerous blogs at...

How to Sell Your Content and Create a Separate Source of Income 0

How to Sell Your Content and Create a Separate Source of Income

As a publisher, you produce content because you want it to be seen. Generating traffic for that is the first aspect here. At the same time, you also want to optimize the ads on your site in order to maximize your monetization potential. Hence, figuring out how to monetize the traffic becomes the second aspect. You can’t just be tossing up random ads anywhere hoping for the best to happen. It takes the right tools with the right technology for the job. AdPushup, one of the fastest-growing revenue optimization tools out there, has been doing exactly that. Upon trying and...

Five Places to Find Work as a Paid Blogger 0

Five Places to Find Work as a Paid Blogger

If you’re interested in paid blogging, you might be wondering where to find work. Do you need to know the right people? Should you hang out at conferences, hoping to be noticed? Or do you apply to loads of blogs in the hope that one of them is looking for paid writers? The good news is there are several easy ways to find paying blogging work. And you don’t need to leave your desk for any of them. Whichever one you choose, keep in mind that putting a little more time and energy in up front can lead to a...

Is Your Blog Draining Your Bank Account? Here’s How Freelance Blogging Could Help 0

Is Your Blog Draining Your Bank Account? Here’s How Freelance Blogging Could Help

Blogging can get expensive pretty fast. Buying a domain name is relatively cheap – often no more than $10. But after that the costs start adding up. You may need hosting. An email service provider. Security or technical help. A logo. A premium theme. Sure, your blog may eventually bring in the money to pay for all of these. But when you’re just starting out it can seem like it’s a huge money sink. Many new bloggers try to mitigate their costs by using monetization methods such as running ads, promoting affiliate products, or asking for donations. The problem with...