
Top tips you can learn from a project manager

top tips

No matter what job you do it always helps to know a bit about project management. Even if you never plan to be a proper project manager we all need some PM skills from time to time to help us with our daily jobs. Whether you are a sales person who has attended all the latest sales training courses to improve your selling skills, an entrepreneur starting up a business, or just a blogger, work will go more smoothly if you have some basic project management knowledge. You don’t need any fancy tools – just a spreadsheet will do.

The most imprtant bit of advice is to manage the expectations of your customers and clients. You don’t need to attend project management training courses if you are only using project management to streamline your work in another role. But something you can learn from basic project management principles is to manage the expectations of those around you. Don’t promise something you can’t deliver and if something goes wrong make sure you tell people before it becomes an unmanageable problem.