Author: Bharani

When Is It Too Late to Start Blogging? 0

When Is It Too Late to Start Blogging?

Poor feedback from your readers and customers can spread like wildfire. So sometimes it’s best to go to the route of a problem and fix it before you lose your readers or hear them discuss your site around the web. By making it easy for people to share their feedback about your website or service you’re providing, you can find out what your site users really think, improve your work and then watch your subscribers and conversions grow. Prevent the trouble Before going into much detail on how to collect and address your readers’ feedback, let’s start with the most...

Why Asking the Blogging Money Question Signals Future Struggles 0

Why Asking the Blogging Money Question Signals Future Struggles

Bloggers often claim blogging to be super hard, but I disagree. I once bench pressed 350 pounds, during my bodybuilding days some 25 years ago in college. Attempting to bench press 350 pounds now would be incredibly hard, absurdly difficult and nearly impossible. “Hard” means physically nearly impossible, a feat your body cannot achieve, because you have not trained yourself to physically acclimate your body to complete some taxing task. Based on this definition, blogging is not hard at all. Anyone can open a WordPress backoffice, type words and tap a publish button. But confusion arises because bloggers wrongly associate...

How Can You Get High Quality Backlinks in 2020? 0

How Can You Get High Quality Backlinks in 2020?

Google search results are becoming ridiculously competitive. Plus, Google’s search results are becoming incredibly engaging: Many search users prefer to use search results (open “People Also Ask” results, clicks image and video carousels, etc.) that getting a click from search results is getting harder and harder. With the introduction of new and flashier ways to be seen, you still have to learn how to creatively and dynamically exploit those offered tools. Being seen with so many others attempting the same technique is just as hard as it was when visibility relied only on ranking. How to get more people click...

How to Sell Your Content and Create a Separate Source of Income 0

How to Sell Your Content and Create a Separate Source of Income

As a publisher, you produce content because you want it to be seen. Generating traffic for that is the first aspect here. At the same time, you also want to optimize the ads on your site in order to maximize your monetization potential. Hence, figuring out how to monetize the traffic becomes the second aspect. You can’t just be tossing up random ads anywhere hoping for the best to happen. It takes the right tools with the right technology for the job. AdPushup, one of the fastest-growing revenue optimization tools out there, has been doing exactly that. Upon trying and...

boring blog Kindle eBook 0

Pro Blogging Tip: Stop Being Lazy

A few moments ago I felt a little fear in the worthiness department. One neat little episode showed I still feel a tiny bit unclear or unworthy in some regard. This is OK; virtually every human being feels unclear, not worthy and not deserving at least a LITTLE bit because we get programmed with these fears as kids, from most people around us. Either I could get angry, upset, annoyed or embarrassed about the emotions or I could just sit humbly with the energies, feel the fear, and move along the fear energies. I chose the second path today. But...

1 Incredibly Powerful Concept in Making Money through Blogging 0

1 Incredibly Powerful Concept in Making Money through Blogging

Just about everyone can use an infusion of cash during an emergency. Knowing where to turn when something out of the ordinary occurs is important. Fortunately, there are lenders who offer loans for emergency In many instances, they can process loan applications quickly and have the money in the client’s account in 24 hours or less. For finance and money bloggers, this can be a perfect opportunity to not only get some new traffic and cash in on these opportunities, it can also provide some great information and resources to people in need as well. Millions of people are searching...

Blogging Tip: How Should You Pitch Companies? 0

Blogging Tip: How Should You Pitch Companies?

Why? 100%, you focus on scarcity. Where your energy and focus goes, grows. Focus on scarcity. Tune in to scarcity. Aka, no money. Aka, no clients. Have you ever seen bloggers who seem to kill themselves for 18 hours daily and do not make a cent. Said bloggers work harder and harder and harder to see 0 dollars. But after working even, harder, and not seeing paying customers buy their courses and eBooks, a light bulb tends to go off; after a mental breakdown. At least, in my case LOL. I had to finally realize I struggled to attract paying...

Never Parrot a Blogging Pro 0

Never Parrot a Blogging Pro

Yes but you need to be 100% committed to blogging from Day 1 of your blogging career. Most bloggers feel so weighed down by fear and a general lack of clarity – aka overwhelm and confusion – that they struggle horribly to get traffic to a new blog, let alone quickly. For example, new bloggers begin armed with a wild-eyed excitement and fervor for potential and promise in this awesome niche. But said excitement is just fear, masked, and when the excitement dies and morphs into other fears, these new guys blog once monthly or every 2 months. 3 to...

How to Increase Mobile Traffic: An SEO Mobile Guide for Beginners 0

How to Increase Mobile Traffic: An SEO Mobile Guide for Beginners

Search engine optimization is an ever-changing practice. This means your SEO campaigns have to adapt and change with the times or else you’ll be banished to the bottom of the search engine result pages. One of the changes you have to make is a shift in focus toward mobile optimization. While traditional forms of SEO are still relevant, Google is moving its attention toward mobile traffic, which means you should too. We’re going to discuss mobile optimization in this article, touching on what it is, why it’s so important, and how to go about doing it. So, What Is Mobile...

Successful Blogging: Doing Freeing But Sometimes Uncomfortable Stuff Routinely 0

Successful Blogging: Doing Freeing But Sometimes Uncomfortable Stuff Routinely

Yes and no. You can convert blog posts into an ebook but you cannot just copy and paste for some digital storefronts based on their rules. I did this a number of times for a few of my 100-plus ebooks on Amazon, Selz and Gumroad. But you need to know the particular terms of service for the digital storefront where you will sell the ebook. Amazon is super strict with their rules. For example, the e-book has to be 90% unique content for you to sell it on Amazon. Only 10% can be word for word from your blog, or...