Author: SC

Business blog metrics technical problems with website (600 x 401) 0

How to Get First-Time Visitors Interested in Your Blog

Last week we talked about to getting the word out about your blog so people will visit. This week I want to talk about the next stage of warming them up and turning them into raving fans: getting them interested when they do visit. You only to have to look at your bounce rates in Google Analytics to see how often people visit your blog and then leave. And that’s a shame, because chances are you  a lot of time and energy into creating your content. So you need to quickly give them a reason to stick around. The tips...

exhausted female project manager 0

When Should You Take a Break from Blogging?

My neck REALLY hurts as I type these words. Severe pain. So….after I write and publish this post, I will take a break. Only for an hour or so. One hour laying on the hard floor allows my neck tension to dissolve. I be good money, after that short, sweet break. But what about longer breaks? I do not suggest you take months off from blogging – unless you enjoy breaking European style – but sometimes it pays to take 1 or 2 weeks off from blogging. Ultimately, let your intuition guide you on this break-ing journey. We need to...

How to Get the Word out about Your New Blog 0

How to Get the Word out about Your New Blog

Last week I talked about the four stages of warming up your readers and turning them into raving fans. Well, today I’ll show you how to smash through that first stage: getting the word out about your blog. As a teenager, you may have once pined over a boy or girl and thought, They don’t even know I exist. Well, it can feel just as bad when you create a new blog and no-one seems to be reading it. In fact, it may be even worse because Google Analytics will confirm your suspicions without a hint of sympathy. The problem is...

How to Warm Up Your Readers and Make Them Raving Fans 0

How to Warm Up Your Readers and Make Them Raving Fans

This post is based on episode 112 of the ProBlogger podcast. Today I’m kicking off a series of blog posts designed to help you move your readers from feeling cold towards you, your brand and your blog, to being fully engaged and becoming raving fans. I’m going to talk about the benefits of getting your readers warmed up, and then walk you through a series of steps to actually do it. Over the next few weeks I’ll be giving you some exercises that you can do to help you move your readers through the various stages. And then I’ll wrap things...

Imposter Syndrome: What It Is, and How to Overcome It 0

Imposter Syndrome: What It Is, and How to Overcome It

This post is based on episode 121 of the ProBlogger podcast. Today I’m going to talk about imposter syndrome. Do you ever fear you’re about to be found out? That it’s only a matter of time before everyone realizes you’re not as smart as they thought you were, or that you don’t really know what you’re doing? I’ve suffered from imposter syndrome quite a bit over the years. And I’m going to share a few occasions when it pretty much paralyzed me. But I’m also going to share seven different strategies you can use to deal with imposter syndrome, and even have...

How to Find Time to Create a Product For Your Blog 0

How to Find Time to Create a Product For Your Blog

This post is based on episode 118 of the ProBlogger podcast. Creating and selling products such as ebooks and courses can be a great way to monetize your blog. But where do you find the time to create them? A lot of bloggers already struggle with finding enough time to write posts, promote them on social media, respond to readers’ comments and emails, and everything else that goes with running a blog. And they often have a full-time job and family commitments as well. I faced the same dilemma when I wrote the first ProBlogger book. I had numerous blogs at...

How to Quit Your Job and Build an Online Business 0

How to Quit Your Job and Build an Online Business

Today I want to tell you some advice I received when I was starting out that I completely ignored completely but my friend took to heart. It’s a story about regret. And I hope it moves you to take more action on building your blog and your business. “Don’t Give Up Your Day Job” Back in 2004, a lot of people told me, “Don’t give up your day job”. I’d been blogging for about a year and a half, and I was starting to see that it was possible to make money blogging. At first, I didn’t tell anyone about...

4 Reasons Why You Should Start a Blog in the New Year 0

4 Reasons Why You Should Start a Blog in the New Year

At a recent Christmas party a friend asked me a series of rapid-fire questions about blogging. “Do you think I should start a blog this year? Or have I missed the boat with blogging? If blogging is still relevant, how could it benefit me? I guess I’m trying to work out… why should I start a blog?” My friend isn’t the only one asking these kinds of questions. At the start of every year a lot of people ponder whether a blog should be a part of their plans for the new year. And every January we see a spike in...

Should You Blog Anonymously or Use Your Real Name? 0

Should You Blog Anonymously or Use Your Real Name?

This post is based on episode 122 of the ProBlogger podcast. One of the decisions you face when starting a blog is whether or not to use your real name. It can be a tricky decision, because there are pros and cons to whatever you decide. You can choose anything from ‘no anonymity’ through to ‘full anonymity’. For instance, you could: Blog under your real name and promote it prominently on your blog. This is what I do ProBlogger. You could even take it to the extreme and use your name as your actual domain name (and thus the name of your...

How to Handle Critical and Attacking Comments from Blog Readers 0

How to Handle Critical and Attacking Comments from Blog Readers

How do you deal with criticism? When you put yourself out there as a blogger, the feedback you get isn’t always as constructive as you’d like. It can even verge on being an aggressive or personal attack. While I’ve only experienced it a handful of times in my blogging career, it can be difficult to deal with. So what can you do if it happens to you? Well, you can always look at the bright side. Any feedback you get is proof that someone’s reading your blog and noticing you. But you should also consider the kind of feedback you’re getting...