Category: Marketing

5 Reasons Why You Need To Increase Your Social Influence 0

5 Reasons Why You Need To Increase Your Social Influence

Mark Zeni Social media Influencers are known to sway your sentiments when it comes to a certain brand, idea, person, or business. Having a compelling social media influence as a person or a business will be in your favor since it is one of the most effective ways to reach out to a broad audience. Whether you’re looking to widen your social circle or increase your professional connections, here are five reasons why your social media presence matters: 1. Traditional Ads Are Becoming Very Outdated  Consumers are starting to build immunity against traditional ads. This mainly happens because people are...

How to Quit Your Job and Build an Online Business 0

How to Quit Your Job and Build an Online Business

Today I want to tell you some advice I received when I was starting out that I completely ignored completely but my friend took to heart. It’s a story about regret. And I hope it moves you to take more action on building your blog and your business. “Don’t Give Up Your Day Job” Back in 2004, a lot of people told me, “Don’t give up your day job”. I’d been blogging for about a year and a half, and I was starting to see that it was possible to make money blogging. At first, I didn’t tell anyone about...

How To Edit and Proofread Blog Posts Like A Pro 0

How To Edit and Proofread Blog Posts Like A Pro

Mark Zeni Writing an essay for school can be a very difficult thing to do for some people. All the spelling and punctuation need to be perfect and do not forget that the content needs to be quality as well. You may struggle with writing, whether it be writing an essay, blog post, email, or a novel. It can be hard to make sure your work is up to par and grammatically correct, but you need to understand that it does not need to be difficult to edit and proofread your work.  Here are some tips you can follow that...

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How to Rekindle Your Blogging Enthusiasm

Have you hit a slump in your blogging? Perhaps you haven’t posted anything in weeks or even months because your enthusiasm for the topic has gone and you’re finding it hard to be consistent. Or maybe you have been posting regularly, but are now starting to feel fed up, exhausted, or even burned out. Here are six ways to turn things around. #1: Take a Proper Break from Blogging If your blogging enthusiasm has been waning for a while, or if feels like yet another chore on your to-do list, it’s probably time for a break. Take some time off from...

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Strategies You Can Use for a Successful Business

There are so many simple tools and strategies that your business can use in order to ensure its success. You’d be surprised how easy it is to make the changes, and how effective they are in terms of outcome. Whether you’re facing difficulties in growing your business or just considering starting a new one, here are a few strategies you can use to lead your business to success.  Know your customer The main focus of your business should be around your customers, understanding what they want and what can be improved as well as what’s missing. Understanding your customers can...

Awesome Advice for Small Business Starters 0

Awesome Advice for Small Business Starters

Mark Zeni With the overwhelming amount of information and suggested strategies out there, many startups struggle to figure out exactly how to grow their businesses. This is made even harder with the overwhelming amount of information and suggested strategies that is out there. Sometimes business owners will try to incorporate too many strategies at once while not seeing any results.  Assuming you have a good business idea and an end goal, some focus and guidelines can get your business growing.   Don’t dismiss network scalability  Whether you are selling a product or a service in the early stages, starting small is...

How much money do I need to start a digital marketing agency? 0

How much money do I need to start a digital marketing agency?

Mark Zeni So, you’re finally ready to see your vision materialize, witness as your dreams turn into reality. Good for you! Starting your own agency is an exciting and challenging feat. The best part is, you’re now able to do what you love and make money at the same time! Yet, taking the first step in this journey will always come with challenges. To start your agency, you have to formulate your business plan first. By now, you’ve already done your research. The next step would be to list down what you will need. How many employees are you going...

1 Concept to Get You Through Negative Reviews 0

1 Concept to Get You Through Negative Reviews

Have you bought my blogging course yet? 11 Fundamentals of Successful Blogging Audio Course Buy it if you need blogging guidance. Fundamental #1 is breathing deeply and relaxing. I will give you a little, free preview of the course to whet your appetite and to show you how unsexy blogging seems, at times. Imagine being present, now. No where but the moment, really. Time does not exist. The future never comes. The past is a ghost. What does this have to do with blogging? Everything. All blogging success stems from being in the moment, patiently learning blogging from pros, generously...

3 Ways to Optimise Blog Content so it Ranks Well on Google 0

3 Ways to Optimise Blog Content so it Ranks Well on Google

Guest Author When it comes to your blog’s position within search engine results, there’s far more than just sheer luck at play. Search Engine Optimisation is a skill that any content creator – professional or amateur – should develop in order to make their content as discoverable as possible. It involves making certain tweaks to your blog and its content in order to improve their position and visibility online. While SEO and content marketing experts have developed specialist tools to launch your posts as far up the ranks as possible, there’s also a great deal of groundwork that you can...

Seven Warning Signs That Your Blog Needs More Attention 0

Seven Warning Signs That Your Blog Needs More Attention

You might think you’re on top of your blogging. You’re publishing posts regularly. You’re even active on social media. But are you paying as much attention to your blog as you should be? If you’re in a bit of a blogging rut (i.e. you’re producing and promoting new content but not much else) then you might be neglecting some other crucial aspects of your blog. Here are seven warning signs your blog isn’t getting the attention it needs. And seven ways to turn things around. #1: Your Posts Aren’t Getting Any Comments or Responses When your blog is new, it’s...