Category: Marketing

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First Step to Beating Writer’s Block: Finding out Why You’re Stuck

This post is based on episode 83 of the ProBlogger podcast. This week I want to talk about writer’s block. Actually, I’ll be talking about it for the next few weeks. It’s such a common problem for bloggers, and it can really mess up your plans of having a successful blog if you don’t learn how to beat it. Notice that I said “beat it” and not “avoid it” because I’m not sure you can avoid it. Every writer faces it at some point or other, including me. And so over the next few weeks I want to share some tips...


Seven Important Things I’ve Learnt from Eleven Years of Freelance Blogging

Have you ever thought of giving paid blogging a go? Maybe you see it as a means to an end, or perhaps a handy way to make some extra money to support your own blog. But paid blogging can also be a great way to super-charge your growth as a blogger. I’ve been a paid blogger for more than 11 years, and in that time I’ve learnt all sorts of useful things. Getting a behind-the-scenes look at how dozens of blogs work introduced me to lots of tips and tools. And many of the things I’ve learnt over the past...


How to Create Products and Sell Them on Your Blog

This post is based on episode 67 of the ProBlogger podcast. This week I want to talk about creating a product for your blog. Last month I talked about my various profit streams, and how nearly a third of my profits come from product sales. And that’s obviously one good reason to create and sell products – it’s a great way to monetize your blog. But there’s another reason you should do it that goes beyond money. But before I get into that I want to tell you a little story. A tale of two buskers A while back my family...

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How to Turn a Boring Blog into Something Special

List building is one of the things you hear and read about everyday in blogging and content marketing. Email marketing in itself is a whole lot of work put together. Many successful bloggers have succeeded to build a large list for their businesses and that works with a lot of attraction. Well, the size of your email list isn’t always a point. The quality and relevance are the most important factors. These go a long way to affect your bounce rate which is a corner stone in email marketing. We will be talking about this a bit below but let...

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What Can You Blog About When All the Good Ideas Are Already Taken?

When you’re trying to come up with a great idea for a blog post, does it seem like every topic has already been done to death? You might want to write about your ten favourite WordPress plugins. But a quick Google search shows there are dozens of similar posts. Maybe you want to share your experience of raising children, but you know loads of blogs already covering similar ground. Whatever your idea is, there’s a good chance there’s already something similar out there. Here are five ways you can make the most of your idea, regardless of what’s been done...

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The Key to Long-Term Traffic and Profit for Your Blog

This post is based on episode 201 of the ProBlogger podcast. “How do you create content that goes viral?” I remember getting this question from a new blogger. They wanted a post to go viral on their blog, thinking it would suddenly shoot their blog’s traffic and profit into the stratosphere. And who knows? It may have done just that. Unfortunately, without having plenty of content in their archive there’s a good chance those numbers would have come crashing down pretty quickly. So I told this particular blogger what they needed to hear rather than what they wanted to hear. And I...

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Some Unexpected Ways In Which Literature Reviews Can Boost Your Blogging Career

Mark Zeni Lots of students that dream of a successful blogging career don’t even know that their homework (commonly considered as pain in the neck) can go a long way towards realizing this dream. In today’s article, we’re going to take a closer look at such a popular type of academic assignment as literature review and prove that it can help you develop the skills indispensable for a blogger. What do we call a literature review? A literature review aims to provide a critical assessment of various sources a person has found and read corresponding to the core subject area....

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How to Get More Subscribers, Followers and Connections

Over the past few weeks I’ve been talking about warming up your readers and turning them into raving fans. So far I’ve talked about getting the word out about your new blog, and getting those first-time visitors interested in your blog and what you have to say. This week I want to talk about how to connect with them. That is, getting them to subscribe to your blog, connect with you, follow you, and give you the okay to contact them again. Because let’s face it: seeing how many people leave your blog as soon as they arrive without doing...

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How to Get First-Time Visitors Interested in Your Blog

Last week we talked about to getting the word out about your blog so people will visit. This week I want to talk about the next stage of warming them up and turning them into raving fans: getting them interested when they do visit. You only to have to look at your bounce rates in Google Analytics to see how often people visit your blog and then leave. And that’s a shame, because chances are you  a lot of time and energy into creating your content. So you need to quickly give them a reason to stick around. The tips...

How to Warm Up Your Readers and Make Them Raving Fans 0

How to Warm Up Your Readers and Make Them Raving Fans

This post is based on episode 112 of the ProBlogger podcast. Today I’m kicking off a series of blog posts designed to help you move your readers from feeling cold towards you, your brand and your blog, to being fully engaged and becoming raving fans. I’m going to talk about the benefits of getting your readers warmed up, and then walk you through a series of steps to actually do it. Over the next few weeks I’ll be giving you some exercises that you can do to help you move your readers through the various stages. And then I’ll wrap things...