Tagged: blogging

boring blog Kindle eBook 0

Pro Blogging Tip: Stop Being Lazy

A few moments ago I felt a little fear in the worthiness department. One neat little episode showed I still feel a tiny bit unclear or unworthy in some regard. This is OK; virtually every human being feels unclear, not worthy and not deserving at least a LITTLE bit because we get programmed with these fears as kids, from most people around us. Either I could get angry, upset, annoyed or embarrassed about the emotions or I could just sit humbly with the energies, feel the fear, and move along the fear energies. I chose the second path today. But...

1 Incredibly Powerful Concept in Making Money through Blogging 0

1 Incredibly Powerful Concept in Making Money through Blogging

Just about everyone can use an infusion of cash during an emergency. Knowing where to turn when something out of the ordinary occurs is important. Fortunately, there are lenders who offer loans for emergency In many instances, they can process loan applications quickly and have the money in the client’s account in 24 hours or less. For finance and money bloggers, this can be a perfect opportunity to not only get some new traffic and cash in on these opportunities, it can also provide some great information and resources to people in need as well. Millions of people are searching...

Blogging Tip: How Should You Pitch Companies? 0

Blogging Tip: How Should You Pitch Companies?

Why? 100%, you focus on scarcity. Where your energy and focus goes, grows. Focus on scarcity. Tune in to scarcity. Aka, no money. Aka, no clients. Have you ever seen bloggers who seem to kill themselves for 18 hours daily and do not make a cent. Said bloggers work harder and harder and harder to see 0 dollars. But after working even, harder, and not seeing paying customers buy their courses and eBooks, a light bulb tends to go off; after a mental breakdown. At least, in my case LOL. I had to finally realize I struggled to attract paying...

Never Parrot a Blogging Pro 0

Never Parrot a Blogging Pro

Yes but you need to be 100% committed to blogging from Day 1 of your blogging career. Most bloggers feel so weighed down by fear and a general lack of clarity – aka overwhelm and confusion – that they struggle horribly to get traffic to a new blog, let alone quickly. For example, new bloggers begin armed with a wild-eyed excitement and fervor for potential and promise in this awesome niche. But said excitement is just fear, masked, and when the excitement dies and morphs into other fears, these new guys blog once monthly or every 2 months. 3 to...

How to Increase Mobile Traffic: An SEO Mobile Guide for Beginners 0

How to Increase Mobile Traffic: An SEO Mobile Guide for Beginners

Search engine optimization is an ever-changing practice. This means your SEO campaigns have to adapt and change with the times or else you’ll be banished to the bottom of the search engine result pages. One of the changes you have to make is a shift in focus toward mobile optimization. While traditional forms of SEO are still relevant, Google is moving its attention toward mobile traffic, which means you should too. We’re going to discuss mobile optimization in this article, touching on what it is, why it’s so important, and how to go about doing it. So, What Is Mobile...

Successful Blogging: Doing Freeing But Sometimes Uncomfortable Stuff Routinely 0

Successful Blogging: Doing Freeing But Sometimes Uncomfortable Stuff Routinely

Yes and no. You can convert blog posts into an ebook but you cannot just copy and paste for some digital storefronts based on their rules. I did this a number of times for a few of my 100-plus ebooks on Amazon, Selz and Gumroad. But you need to know the particular terms of service for the digital storefront where you will sell the ebook. Amazon is super strict with their rules. For example, the e-book has to be 90% unique content for you to sell it on Amazon. Only 10% can be word for word from your blog, or...

Blog Content or Promotion? 0

Blog Content or Promotion?

Nope. My eBook: How My Wildest Travel Experiences Can Help You Become a Successful Blogger starts off with a Bali Bang. I slammed into the ground during a wicked motorbike accident. Pain followed. Big time pain. Excruciating pain. What was my life and blogging lesson? Never take your eyes off of the road. I looked at a dog for a split second who’d been hit by a car or motorbike. Shaking my head at his injured paw, I missed the oil slick ahead. Ouch. 2 seconds later, I felt like 40,000 monkeys stabbed me in the back and lungs, after...

1 Concept to Get You Through Negative Reviews 0

1 Concept to Get You Through Negative Reviews

Have you bought my blogging course yet? 11 Fundamentals of Successful Blogging Audio Course Buy it if you need blogging guidance. Fundamental #1 is breathing deeply and relaxing. I will give you a little, free preview of the course to whet your appetite and to show you how unsexy blogging seems, at times. Imagine being present, now. No where but the moment, really. Time does not exist. The future never comes. The past is a ghost. What does this have to do with blogging? Everything. All blogging success stems from being in the moment, patiently learning blogging from pros, generously...

1 Blogging Lesson I Learned from Parking a Car in NYC 0

1 Blogging Lesson I Learned from Parking a Car in NYC

Landing pages can steal people’s attention. And if you play your cards right, these pages hold the ticket to attracting more customers. However, let’s be clear: Landing pages are double-edged swords. While they can help you, they can also harm you — unless you’ve optimized them accordingly. So if you know your landing page needs work, why not get around it? As you go through this article, you’ll find five landing page optimization tools for your blog. With them, you can revamp your landing page then have it increase conversions and your blog’s income. Unbounce Optimizing landing pages is not...


How to Get Started Blogging: 5 Steps You Don’t Want to Miss

A blog is an essential part of any new business idea. Starting out in the blogging world is exciting, challenging, fun and exhausting at times.  The key points to remember is that everybody struggles as they “learn the ropes” and it is important that you make sure to setup up your site and your actions as if the blog has already reached the goals that you’ve set for it.  By creating a business including those that deal with keyword research for SEO, and laying out all the pieces that you need to run your blogging business successfully now, you won’t...