Tagged: blogging


Should You Blog About Everything?

One of the key aspects of launching successful marketing campaigns is to conduct market research beforehand. This is no different when marketing on the internet. Digital marketing research is crucial to successful digital marketing, and without it, one can quickly blow through their budget without seeing any type of ROI at all. A perfect example of this can be seen in social media marketing, where billions of ad impressions are served hourly. The same is also true with paid media marketing and pay per click marketing within Google. There is simply way too much information and user views out there,...

receiving money from blogging 0

Pro Blogging Tip: Get Comfortable with Receiving Money

Get comfortable with receiving increasing amounts of money to become a more successful professional blogger. Everybody needs to bump it up a few levels to reach the next stage of their professional blogging career. Pump it up by raising your rates. Raise your prices too. Get comfortable with receiving more money through the products you offer and service you render to reach into even higher circles. Pay close attention to happy, prospering professional bloggers. Pro increase their rates, prices and income steadily because in order to make more money you have to leverage your pricing. Don’t work harder and longer...

boring blog Kindle eBook 0

How to Turn a Boring Blog into Something Special

List building is one of the things you hear and read about everyday in blogging and content marketing. Email marketing in itself is a whole lot of work put together. Many successful bloggers have succeeded to build a large list for their businesses and that works with a lot of attraction. Well, the size of your email list isn’t always a point. The quality and relevance are the most important factors. These go a long way to affect your bounce rate which is a corner stone in email marketing. We will be talking about this a bit below but let...

One Huge Block to Blogging for Money 0

One Huge Block to Blogging for Money

The biggest problem bloggers face in the make money online department is ceding complete responsibility for their financial gains or losses. Making money online when you appear to be broke totally messes up your mind. Bloggers who have little money make the critical error – most bloggers, at least – of being stingy, holding back and demanding payment for past content created. Imagine publishing 500 posts on your blog while working with an uber tight, life budget. Times seem tough. Times seem tight. Being a little North of broke, you try to make money online by squeezing as much profits...

Why Blogging Karma Is In Full Effect 0

Why Blogging Karma Is In Full Effect

5 seconds ago, I received an email from someone whose list I did not sign up for. I saw the name and thought: “Moron”. Immediately, I tapped the spam button. He spammed me. This is known. But going deeper, blogging karma is still in effect. I recall his name, and an interaction we had many many many years ago. He followed me from afar. I knew little of him. One day, adopting an heir of complete familiarity – as morons tend to do – this idiot boldly and bluntly asked for feedback on his blog. He was rude, boorish, a...

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Do You Blog for Targeted Or Disinterested Readers?

I scanned my email spam folder a few moments ago. Some marketers filled it, as they have filled it for years. Imagine thousands of emails landing in spam folders, never to be seen. Ineffective marketing. Inefficient marketing. Of course, in most cases, these marketers SCREAM their message from the mountain tops. But guess what? SCREAMING your message to people not interested in your message wastes your time and energy. Nobody cares. Whether you scream, or push, or strain or strive to convince, these folks care not about what you offer. Wasted time. But if you actually target your readers, these...

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When Should You Take a Break from Blogging?

My neck REALLY hurts as I type these words. Severe pain. So….after I write and publish this post, I will take a break. Only for an hour or so. One hour laying on the hard floor allows my neck tension to dissolve. I be good money, after that short, sweet break. But what about longer breaks? I do not suggest you take months off from blogging – unless you enjoy breaking European style – but sometimes it pays to take 1 or 2 weeks off from blogging. Ultimately, let your intuition guide you on this break-ing journey. We need to...

3 Ways to Increase Your Blogging Profits 0

3 Ways to Increase Your Blogging Profits

Profits. We all want them. But few bloggers actually boost their earnings much. Money struggles cripple most blogging careers before folks get their nose out of the blogging door. Be easy. Relax. Slow down. Calm down. One weird – but effective – way to make more money through your blog is to slow down and add money-making details all struggling bloggers seem to miss. Let us begin there. 1: Slow Down and Make Money Picture me. I intend to make money through my 100 plus eBooks on Amazon. I wrote a few. OK; I wrote a freaking eBook blitz. Anyway,...

When Is It Too Late to Start Blogging? 0

When Is It Too Late to Start Blogging?

Poor feedback from your readers and customers can spread like wildfire. So sometimes it’s best to go to the route of a problem and fix it before you lose your readers or hear them discuss your site around the web. By making it easy for people to share their feedback about your website or service you’re providing, you can find out what your site users really think, improve your work and then watch your subscribers and conversions grow. Prevent the trouble Before going into much detail on how to collect and address your readers’ feedback, let’s start with the most...

Why Asking the Blogging Money Question Signals Future Struggles 0

Why Asking the Blogging Money Question Signals Future Struggles

Bloggers often claim blogging to be super hard, but I disagree. I once bench pressed 350 pounds, during my bodybuilding days some 25 years ago in college. Attempting to bench press 350 pounds now would be incredibly hard, absurdly difficult and nearly impossible. “Hard” means physically nearly impossible, a feat your body cannot achieve, because you have not trained yourself to physically acclimate your body to complete some taxing task. Based on this definition, blogging is not hard at all. Anyone can open a WordPress backoffice, type words and tap a publish button. But confusion arises because bloggers wrongly associate...