Tagged: Internet Marketing

7 Tips to Grow Your Instagram Account 0

7 Tips to Grow Your Instagram Account

Mark Zeni As Instagram has around one billion users, it’s increasingly difficult to get noticed. Especially the case if you’re trying to grow your business account. Since Facebook has changed its policies, Instagram is becoming a popular hub for companies to connect with their customers. Studies show that there around 500 million online users per day. Thus, marketers are becoming interested in the potential of this platform too. Regardless, whether you’re trying to grow your account or a business account, you should take a look below, and the best tips that you should try right now to increase your followers...

3 Ways to Optimise Blog Content so it Ranks Well on Google 0

3 Ways to Optimise Blog Content so it Ranks Well on Google

Guest Author When it comes to your blog’s position within search engine results, there’s far more than just sheer luck at play. Search Engine Optimisation is a skill that any content creator – professional or amateur – should develop in order to make their content as discoverable as possible. It involves making certain tweaks to your blog and its content in order to improve their position and visibility online. While SEO and content marketing experts have developed specialist tools to launch your posts as far up the ranks as possible, there’s also a great deal of groundwork that you can...