10 On-Page SEO Factors You Should Consider [2019]

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10 on page SEO factors

When you want to succeed in the organic search engine results today, you have to focus on your website and learn what you should do to optimize it. There are many factors that can help you with that, form the technical, off-page, and on-page. All these factors and parts of a website require updating and optimizing for ultimate success.

As the year’s pass, we see a lot of people focusing more on off-page techniques, from link building to other technical factors. BUT, in reality, focusing on off-page SEO won’t work as well if you’re not putting your focus on on-page SEO as well.

SEO experts and wise practitioners know very well how important on-page optimization is, and that it needs to be prioritized. And since search engines are always evolving and updating, you need to ensure your knowledge on on-page SEO is always updated.

With all that being said, I’ll be talking more about the importance of on-page SEO, as well as the ten on-page SEO factors you should consider today.

What Is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO is also called on-site SEO, which is the practice of optimizing one’s webpage. It has the goal to improve the website’s rankings on search engines, earning them organic traffic for more views, potential sales, and more benefits.

There are actually many ways one can optimize their on-page SEO, from publishing the quality content down to updating HTML tags, headlines, images, and the like. But the main focus is ensuring that your entire website has the expertise and trustworthiness both search engines and users will appreciate.

On-page SEO takes account a lot of factors of your webpage to improve its visibility in search engine results.If you don’t want to get technical you can always hire someone to perform an SEO audit  for you.

The Importance of On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is crucial to do because it will help search engines like Google comprehend what your website and its content is all about. It will identify whether the content posted is relevant to all searchers’ queries, which is what can make or break your rankings.

And because search engines are becoming even more sophisticated by the year, experts ow focus on semantics and relevance of their content for search engine results pages. This is because search engines are constantly upgrading their algorithm and smartening up their bots!

Today, we can see that Google is now better with its complex algorithms, specifically in these points:

Understanding the users look into when typing!

Delivering the most accurate search results which help meet user’s intent, from shopping, navigational, to informational content

As this continues to develop and upgrade, it’s essential to adapt to all these. How can you do so? Make sure that, your website and content, as well as its elements, are well-optimized according to all the best practices today!

Furthermore, you shouldn’t ignore on-page SEO! After all, it’s what you have full control of and can make or break your results. That’s why it’s best to put even more effort than you usually do, which can help boost your traffic and search presence.

Ten On-Page SEO Factors You Should Consider Today

Now that you’re familiar with on-page SEO, what can you do to optimize your website around it? Here are ten factors to look into

1. E-A-T Content

E-A-T is a great way to organize your thoughts and content to make it more effective. It stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness, which are the three main aspects Google raters and users would use to assess the entire webpage.

Google and other search engines always make sure that the highest-quality content is on top. With that being said, you have to make sure that you post higher-quality content compared to your competitors.

So when designing your webpage and writing content, try to follow the E-A-T order and put it into your SEO strategy.

2. Title Tags

A title tag is an HTML tag which is located in the webpage’s head sections. These are what provide the context of what that particular content or webpage is about. Furthermore, it’s features on the search engine results pages, seen as a clickable link. You also see it on the browser window which distinguishes the basics of what your webpage is about.

While it has little impact on one’s organic rankings, having duplications, leaving it missing or poorly written can negatively impact the SEO results.

3. Meta Description

You’re probably already familiar with the wonders of meta descriptions, existing even during the early years of SEO. These descriptions or meta tags can give you the opportunity t talk about what your content and webpage is in a short text. It’s displayed below the title of your page in search engine results pages.

While meta descriptions don’t directly impact one’s SEO rankings, it has the indirect attributes that help in raising traffic. By optimizing your meta descriptions, it can improve your click-through-rates and the way people see your page on the search results.

4. Content Headlines

If you want your content to perform well on search engines (obviously you do), then you need to write the interesting headline! While it does seem like such a basic task, taking your time to create a compelling headline can really make a huge difference between clocks and impressions.

That’s why you need to be strategic when writing headlines. It should spark interests so it can stand out among all the other results on the search engine, having people click yours over the others!

5. Header Tags

Header tags are the HTML elements that identify your content’s headings and subheadings within the content. It differs from paragraph text and though not that huge of a difference for rankings, it helps for your overall SEO and the users.

It makes content easier to read for users to enjoy the content. This encourages them to share the content because of how informative and enticing it is to view. Furthermore, it gives a chance to provide the keyword-rich content, which helps search engines identify your content and what it’s all about.

6. SEO Writing

SEO writing is advantageous for both search engines and your readers. And no, it isn’t just about filing in your content with main keywords then filling out the blanks right after. You DON’T produce content just for the sake of it.

Your goal should be to inform people and encourage them to share what you have to offer, based on the compelling and interesting content you have to offer. Of course, this means your content has to be backed up with authoritative content, relevant information, and trusted sources.

7. Keyword Cannibalization

People say that the more pages you own which targets keywords, the better your webpage can rank at. That’s actually NOT true at all! When you target a specific keyword among a lot of areas on your webpage, it shows keyword cannibalization, which can adversely impact your SEO.

It ends up with you competing with yourself and having bots think your page is all spam with the overuse of keywords. With that being said, look into your webpage for any keyword cannibalization instances and solve it all immediately!

8. Doing Content Audit

A lot of webpage owners are more focused on creating and posting new content that they don’t bother checking their existing content. This is a huge mistake to avoid doing, as auditing your previous content can help in many ways!

It helps evaluate if your existing content accomplishes goals and gains ROI, identifies if your contents’ information is accurate and up to date, as well as helps you see what content works best for you and the webpage. Overall, content auditing helps with your strategies and should be done regularly.

9. Image Optimization

It’s best to add images to have your webpages look appealing to viewers. However, images aren’t created equal, with some slowing down your business if you add it wrongly.

That’s why you should optimize all your webpage’s images as well, as it can help with ranking opportunities, load quicker, and offer a better user experience that helps keep your conversion rates high. Make sure you add titles and alt text, too!

10. User Engagement

Your SEO’s on-page elements are just a part of the battle. You also have to win your viewers’ hearts with better user experience, from the webpage itself down to the content. Increase your user engagement to have them interact, stay, and visit again by focusing on site speed, better content, and other ways to improve the design to impress your viewers.

Wrapping It Up

When it comes to optimizing your website, you have to make sure that you have the knowledge and dedication to do so. Not only should you focus on one aspect of SEO, but in all, especially with on-page SEO. Through updating your website and following the right tips, you can begin reaching goals for your website now.

I hope that this article on the ten on-page SEO factors you should consider today helped you out! So don’t wait any longer and begin taking action on optimizing your website with your team or with companies like Joel House now.

If you have any questions or want to share your tips and experiences on website optimization, then comment below. Your thoughts are much appreciated!

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