How to find your most popular pins on Pinterest?

You have heard to get traffic from Pinterest or to impressions on Pinterest you need to pin regularly. And when we are pinning regularly we need to pin our best content. But most of us do not know how to find our most popular pins on Pinterest?

Here is a quick tip on how you find your most popular pins on Pinterest. The best part about this Pinterest strategy is that is unique to you.

You are pinning content that has got you traffic in the past and you are now re-pinning those pins again to keep the traffic flowing consistently to your website

So this is a great way or strategy on how you can increase traffic to your website from Pinterest using google analytics and manual pinning

NOTE – Please do NOT pin the same pin again and again. It is spam and you may get your account blocked or marked as spam.

If you are new to Pinterest – Join this FREE Pinterest course

How to find your most popular pins on Pinterest

Here is a quick and reliable way to check your best-performing pins on Pinterest.

  1. Go to your Google Analytics-> Acquisition > All traffic -> Referrals (you may need to select after this)

You would see a list of pins that are bringing traffic to your website 🙂

2. You would see something like pin/xxxxxxxxxx (where x is a number) and a small arrow next to it. Click on it and you would be taken to the pin that is bringing you traffic

Pinterest strategy – What to do once you find pins getting you traffic

When you click on a pin it also gives you analytics – Number of impressions, click-throughs, and other details.

Repin them to relevant boards.

Again do not pin the same content again and again. You need a good amount of content on your website if you want to pin frequently

Video Tutorial – How to find my most popular pins on Pinterest

I learned this trick from Carly in her awesome course (It is the ONLY Pinterest course I recommend).

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Neha Gupta (Blog Coach)

I have been blogging professionally since 2014. I do not only blog about blogging. I reveal and share what I have learned by earning money from my parenting website. So that YOU do not have the repeat the same mistakes I did and can grow and earn FASTER. You can expect some honest truths here.

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1 Response

  1. This is very Helpful post on Finding viral PINs on Pinterest. I’m going to try to get Pinterest marketing idea for my project.

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