How To Pack Up for an Office Move
Find out how to effectively do your bit when it comes to the office move, with tips on packing your work items and keeping them safe.
When the boss has decided to move the whole office to another location, you’ll likely be carrying on with your job until the crossover occurs. However, the boss may well require you do your bit by packing up your very own corner of the office. Perhaps you have your very own office, a desk or a cubicle. Your space could contain technology like a computer, printer, a laptop. You could have a chair and a table, artwork, filing cabinets, specialist equipment, stationary – everyone is different, and the components of a working space are individual to the person.
The new move is likely to be exciting, but it might be more stressful if any of your items get lost or broken in transit. Stick to these tips to ensure the contents of your working space get from A to B in one piece:

Speak To Your Supervisor
Asking your supervisor for instructions on what to pack and what to leave behind is a really good idea so that you don’t waste time packing furniture that is to be left behind. Find out when the move is happening and what to do with items you aren’t taking with you. This includes paperwork that you hold, which should be prioritised in regards to safe destruction or transportation. It could be worth suggesting cheap self storage of all the paperwork in the office instead of taking it to the new premises. This is for secure archive storage which will save you a lot of space in your new office. Or perhaps a document destruction company is a good idea if you do need a paper trail for destroyed documents.
Ask For Time To Pack
Make sure that you have the time to pack in between doing your job. It is unlikely business has stopped for this move so, make sure to ask for time to pack if you need it. Rushing your packing will only result in disorganisation and the chance of leaving something behind, or in breakages.
We all know how to declutter our homes but decluttering a desk is slightly less usual because the office it isn’t a space we actually live in. However, decluttering is a great idea before your move because it saves you having to pack items you don’t want to take with you. Old paper clips, broken staplers, anything you don’t use could be either donated to charity or thrown away; and other items like spare printers could be placed in business storage. Just be sure to check with your boss before disposing of anything in case they want to use it elsewhere.
Check With IT Before Packing Your Tech
Depending on the type of job you work in, it may be that you need to have your computer hard drive backed up before you leave, or special security encryption placed on it before the move. Check with IT before packing it away, and ask for tips on packing it correctly as breakage during transit could cost a lot to the company, and delay you getting started with work at the new premises.
Label, Label, Label
Labelling is so important with your office move, because it is so easy for items to be placed with other people, left behind or even placed in business self storage. Label everything clearly, putting your name on it, and where it needs to go. Consider writing down a list of everything you have packed and the type of box it is packed in so that if anything does go missing, you have the details to ask for when you’re looking for it.
Packing your office is an easy task if you have the time and make the most of your labelling technique! With good organisation, and a good idea of the overall moving plan, you will be moved and comfortable in your new office in no time.