
How To Pack Up for an Office Move

office move

Find out how to effectively do your bit when it comes to the office move, with tips on packing your work items and keeping them safe. When the boss has decided to move the whole office to another location, you’ll likely be carrying on with your job until the crossover occurs. However, the boss may well require you do your bit by packing up your very own corner of the office. Perhaps you have your […]


The Main Steps To Write A Perfect Essay

Mark Zeni Would you like to learn how to compose a perfect college essay? It is a useful skill that you will use throughout your professional life. Writing an essay is all about the organization of your ideas and research on a particular topic. Once you learn the secrets to writing successful college papers you will have no problems creating essays, research papers, annotated bibliographies, or dissertations. If you want to become a more efficient […]


Five Places to Find Work as a Paid Blogger

If you’re interested in paid blogging, you might be wondering where to find work. Do you need to know the right people? Should you hang out at conferences, hoping to be noticed? Or do you apply to loads of blogs in the hope that one of them is looking for paid writers? The good news is there are several easy ways to find paying blogging work. And you don’t need to leave your desk for […]


How to Increase Mobile Traffic: An SEO Mobile Guide for Beginners

Search engine optimization is an ever-changing practice. This means your SEO campaigns have to adapt and change with the times or else you’ll be banished to the bottom of the search engine result pages. One of the changes you have to make is a shift in focus toward mobile optimization. While traditional forms of SEO are still relevant, Google is moving its attention toward mobile traffic, which means you should too. We’re going to discuss […]


How much money do I need to start a digital marketing agency?

Mark Zeni So, you’re finally ready to see your vision materialize, witness as your dreams turn into reality. Good for you! Starting your own agency is an exciting and challenging feat. The best part is, you’re now able to do what you love and make money at the same time! Yet, taking the first step in this journey will always come with challenges. To start your agency, you have to formulate your business plan first. […]


Best Alexa Skills That Will Actually Surprise You

Guest Author Technology has changed the way we live. A few decades back, we couldn’t even imagine making a video call to a person sitting in another corner of the world. With every technological advancement, mankind is treading towards greater development. From smart gadgets to machines, every invention has leveraged the human lifestyle.  There’s no doubt in asserting that technology has placed the world right into our palms. Gone are the days when people used […]


Successful Blogging: Doing Freeing But Sometimes Uncomfortable Stuff Routinely

Yes and no. You can convert blog posts into an ebook but you cannot just copy and paste for some digital storefronts based on their rules. I did this a number of times for a few of my 100-plus ebooks on Amazon, Selz and Gumroad. But you need to know the particular terms of service for the digital storefront where you will sell the ebook. Amazon is super strict with their rules. For example, the […]


Is Your Blog Draining Your Bank Account? Here’s How Freelance Blogging Could Help

Blogging can get expensive pretty fast. Buying a domain name is relatively cheap – often no more than $10. But after that the costs start adding up. You may need hosting. An email service provider. Security or technical help. A logo. A premium theme. Sure, your blog may eventually bring in the money to pay for all of these. But when you’re just starting out it can seem like it’s a huge money sink. Many […]


Blog Content or Promotion?

Nope. My eBook: How My Wildest Travel Experiences Can Help You Become a Successful Blogger starts off with a Bali Bang. I slammed into the ground during a wicked motorbike accident. Pain followed. Big time pain. Excruciating pain. What was my life and blogging lesson? Never take your eyes off of the road. I looked at a dog for a split second who’d been hit by a car or motorbike. Shaking my head at his […]


3 Security Tools Bloggers Should Use When Traveling

Mark Zeni Traveling is a breathtaking activity for the majority of people. What can be better than gathering all the favorite outfits on the eve of a trip to the destination from your must-visit list? Probably, for this reason, people consider blogging a dream job as, indeed, they travel a lot all over the world. But traveling foresees not only experiencing unforgettable emotions. Some threats can endanger every foreign citizen abroad. How to Avoid Problems […]

About us

9BlogTips.com is a community for bloggers and small business owners. We offer useful tips, snippets, tutorials, inspirational artworks and helpful resources that we hope will help you on your entrepreneurial journey.

Those new to blogging often find it difficult to get their blog off the ground and start making money. So here on this community blog we offer tips and advice for small businesses and bloggers. We talk about project management to help you become more efficient at managing tasks, time and resources. And we are always interested in the latest tech tips for bloggers and small businesses like how to do effective seo and digital marketing so people can find your site. Or how to choose the right voice over agency to add foreign languages to your business and YouTube videos to expand your reach worldwide. (Since you ask, we use Matinee Multilingual for voiceovers and subtitles.)

We discuss training and coaching for business owners, change management training, how to promote yourself and your blog and how to raise finance that can help at difficult moments while building your business blog.

But a successful small business also has to consider cost-effective options for office space such as in a small business hub or self-storage as cost-effective commercial storage instead of a warehouse.

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3 Tips for New Bloggers


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Be Passionate

Write Often

Be Social