
Should You Blog Anonymously or Use Your Real Name?

This post is based on episode 122 of the ProBlogger podcast. One of the decisions you face when starting a blog is whether or not to use your real name. It can be a tricky decision, because there are pros and cons to whatever you decide. You can choose anything from ‘no anonymity’ through to ‘full anonymity’. For instance, you could: Blog under your real name and promote it prominently on your blog. This is what I […]


How to Handle Critical and Attacking Comments from Blog Readers

How do you deal with criticism? When you put yourself out there as a blogger, the feedback you get isn’t always as constructive as you’d like. It can even verge on being an aggressive or personal attack. While I’ve only experienced it a handful of times in my blogging career, it can be difficult to deal with. So what can you do if it happens to you? Well, you can always look at the bright side. […]


Blogging Tip: How Should You Pitch Companies?

Why? 100%, you focus on scarcity. Where your energy and focus goes, grows. Focus on scarcity. Tune in to scarcity. Aka, no money. Aka, no clients. Have you ever seen bloggers who seem to kill themselves for 18 hours daily and do not make a cent. Said bloggers work harder and harder and harder to see 0 dollars. But after working even, harder, and not seeing paying customers buy their courses and eBooks, a light […]


Why 2020 Is the Right Time to Reinvent Your Digital Strategy

Mark Zeni Next-generation technologies are affecting the way businesses can get value from the information they generate and process. The global pace of change is growing rapidly each year and 2020 can be a truly disruptive year. Let’s find out what opportunities innovation gives, what risks you should consider, and what concrete steps you can take to benefit from the upcoming changes in the digital world.   Obviously, people have never had so many powerful technology […]


Are Blog Comments Still Worthwhile … Or Are They a Waste of Time?

A decade ago, new bloggers were often advised to leave comments on other blogs to start building traffic to their own blog. But is it still worth doing? For years, there’s been a lot of debate in the blogging world about comments. Plenty of big blogs have disabled (and sometimes re-enabled) comments on their blogs, often due to spam or the time spent moderating comments. With the rise of social media, many readers turn to […]


How to Rekindle Your Blogging Enthusiasm

Have you hit a slump in your blogging? Perhaps you haven’t posted anything in weeks or even months because your enthusiasm for the topic has gone and you’re finding it hard to be consistent. Or maybe you have been posting regularly, but are now starting to feel fed up, exhausted, or even burned out. Here are six ways to turn things around. #1: Take a Proper Break from Blogging If your blogging enthusiasm has been waning […]


Never Parrot a Blogging Pro

Yes but you need to be 100% committed to blogging from Day 1 of your blogging career. Most bloggers feel so weighed down by fear and a general lack of clarity – aka overwhelm and confusion – that they struggle horribly to get traffic to a new blog, let alone quickly. For example, new bloggers begin armed with a wild-eyed excitement and fervor for potential and promise in this awesome niche. But said excitement is […]


Strategies You Can Use to Have a Successful Business

Mark Zeni There are so many simple tools and strategies that your business can use in order to ensure its success. You’d be surprised how easy it is to make the changes, and how effective they are in terms of outcome. Whether you’re facing difficulties in growing your business or just considering starting a new one, here are a few strategies you can use to lead your business to success.  Know your customer  The main […]


Top 10 Online Proofreading Services

Mark Zeni There are plenty of proofreading software and tools available online which allow you to proofread your documents for free. Relying on them for a cursory check while writing is okay. But solely trusting such automated algorithms to verify your work for “mistakes” and “grammatical errors” is only a recipe for disaster, especially when machines still haven’t grasped the intricacies of human language and grammar.  That’s why authors and academic experts recommend having your […]


Awesome Advice for Small Business Starters

Mark Zeni With the overwhelming amount of information and suggested strategies out there, many startups struggle to figure out exactly how to grow their businesses. This is made even harder with the overwhelming amount of information and suggested strategies that is out there. Sometimes business owners will try to incorporate too many strategies at once while not seeing any results.  Assuming you have a good business idea and an end goal, some focus and guidelines […]


About us

9BlogTips.com is a community for bloggers and small business owners. We offer useful tips, snippets, tutorials, inspirational artworks and helpful resources that we hope will help you on your entrepreneurial journey.

Those new to blogging often find it difficult to get their blog off the ground and start making money. So here on this community blog we offer tips and advice for small businesses and bloggers. We talk about project management to help you become more efficient at managing tasks, time and resources. And we are always interested in the latest tech tips for bloggers and small businesses like how to do effective seo and digital marketing so people can find your site. Or how to choose the right voice over agency to add foreign languages to your business and YouTube videos to expand your reach worldwide. (Since you ask, we use Matinee Multilingual for voiceovers and subtitles.)

We discuss training and coaching for business owners, change management training, how to promote yourself and your blog and how to raise finance that can help at difficult moments while building your business blog.

But a successful small business also has to consider cost-effective options for office space such as in a small business hub or self-storage as cost-effective commercial storage instead of a warehouse.

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3 Tips for New Bloggers


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Be Passionate

Write Often

Be Social