
How to structure and format your blogs for maximum engagement

written content Structure and format

Blogging may have started as a way in which people could share their ideas online. However, over the course of the last decade it has been proved to work as a very effective content marketing tool. A blog can assist in establishing trust between a brand and its consumers almost immediately as well as having a positive influence on sales. Whilst that is fantastic news for businesses, all blogs whether they are personal, or business face the same dilemma and […]


The Ultimate Guide To Creating Evergreen Content For Your Blog

Small Business Ideas

Back in 2007 I was asked a question: “If you could only write one type of content on your blogs forever, what would it be?” My answer then is the same as my answer now: evergreen content. What is Evergreen Content, and Why is it Important? Evergreen content is content that stays fresh for your readers. It doesn’t become dated, and is just as relevant years after you wrote it. Now while a lot of […]


The Future of Written Content (and Why It Has One)

written content Structure and format

The internet landscape has changed a lot of the years. In the beginning, nearly all the content was text. But these days we can get our message across with videos, podcasts, infographics, animations and more. Which begs the question: What does the future hold for written content. But before we start talking about the future, let’s talk briefly about the past. The primitive web Now, I’ve never considered myself a web designer. But believe me, […]


Seven Important Things I’ve Learnt from Eleven Years of Freelance Blogging

Have you ever thought of giving paid blogging a go? Maybe you see it as a means to an end, or perhaps a handy way to make some extra money to support your own blog. But paid blogging can also be a great way to super-charge your growth as a blogger. I’ve been a paid blogger for more than 11 years, and in that time I’ve learnt all sorts of useful things. Getting a behind-the-scenes […]


Some Unexpected Ways In Which Literature Reviews Can Boost Your Blogging Career

Mark Zeni Lots of students that dream of a successful blogging career don’t even know that their homework (commonly considered as pain in the neck) can go a long way towards realizing this dream. In today’s article, we’re going to take a closer look at such a popular type of academic assignment as literature review and prove that it can help you develop the skills indispensable for a blogger. What do we call a literature […]


How to Handle Critical and Attacking Comments from Blog Readers

How do you deal with criticism? When you put yourself out there as a blogger, the feedback you get isn’t always as constructive as you’d like. It can even verge on being an aggressive or personal attack. While I’ve only experienced it a handful of times in my blogging career, it can be difficult to deal with. So what can you do if it happens to you? Well, you can always look at the bright side. […]


Top 10 Online Proofreading Services

Mark Zeni There are plenty of proofreading software and tools available online which allow you to proofread your documents for free. Relying on them for a cursory check while writing is okay. But solely trusting such automated algorithms to verify your work for “mistakes” and “grammatical errors” is only a recipe for disaster, especially when machines still haven’t grasped the intricacies of human language and grammar.  That’s why authors and academic experts recommend having your […]


The Main Steps To Write A Perfect Essay

Mark Zeni Would you like to learn how to compose a perfect college essay? It is a useful skill that you will use throughout your professional life. Writing an essay is all about the organization of your ideas and research on a particular topic. Once you learn the secrets to writing successful college papers you will have no problems creating essays, research papers, annotated bibliographies, or dissertations. If you want to become a more efficient […]


How to Write Great Blog Post Titles

This post is based on Episode 156 of the ProBlogger podcast. The title of your blog post can completely change its destiny. People often decide whether to read your post – and ultimately take action – based on the title alone. It may also determine whether or not they share your post. So it’s crucial that you spend time crafting your title and getting it right. Why Your Blog Post Title Matters So Much You might […]


Four Types of Blog Post to Create if You Don’t Want to Write Much

This is a post by ProBlogger writing expert Ali Luke Do you get sick of writing sometimes? Even the most enthusiastic bloggers have days when they struggle to get the words out. Perhaps you’ve been writing a lot, or you simply aren’t feeling very creative. But what can you do? One option is to do away with most of the words. You could create a very short post, or one that focuses on images or […]