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Listen to Your Blogging Heart Not Your Blogging Head

Logic does have its place. Thinking things through rationally can aid your blogging campaign. But listening to your blogging heart is the easiest, quickest way to cultivate long term success. Even though success is not quick or easy, this heart-centered journey is the most seamless path because your inner world, your intuition, your hunches, your gut, none are ever wrong. Every nudge seems spot on.

For example, I woke at 7 AM today after a good 7 hours of solid sleep. I feel recharged, rested and ready to write. Usually I engage in energy management on waking. Meditate, do Kriya yoga and take an icy cold shower. But my blogging heart told me to wake and write a few blog posts. I may even lay down after writing to rest or relax for a few more hours. Why? My heart told me to do it. I compare it to knowing. Like, the plan you lay out in mind simply needs to be put to the side because the all-knowing part of you advises a different direction. Guaranteed, the more you follow the blogging heart, the easier if becomes to succeed because each step leads you directly toward your goal.

Heart-centered blogging is uncomfortable sometimes because you break routines, dissolve plans and move away from the herd, temporarily, or even long term. The heart knows what the mind cannot understand because the heart is flexible while the mind is rigid, ordered and fixed. Hey; both have their place. I still honor my blogging mind to establish order about my day. No problems there. But listening to my blogging heart taps me into a different, freeing, fun world, even if it feels a bit scary to walk down this blogging path from time to time. The mind enjoys sure things, logic and pure rational thinking. Some aspects of your blogging campaign benefit from this level of thinking but overall, trust your blogging gut. Give yourself time to be in silence daily because silence allows your blogging heart to speak loud and clear.

The blogging heart has no rules, regulations or restrictions. I can do whatever I want that feels good, right and beneficial to all, heart-blogging. Plus, blogging from the heart benefits everyone because the heart keeps humanity in mind before sending you instructions, before allowing you to make decisions. The heart simply knows all. Listen to it. More importantly, never blog solely from a place of logic, rational thinking and order because you follow the blogging herd in these scenarios. Can you succeed? Sure. But along with the success, you feel a bit mediocre, because successful blogging becomes mere book-keeping, a more mindless, less emotional, less energized, operation. Imagine being a blogging robot. Do A, toss in B, get C. Success does not feel good if you do things solely from logic because you give no thought to the heart, to deep emotions, to feelings that drive you, and those energies make life sweet. Plus, tapping into fears triggered by following your heart – mental fears, of course, because heart only knows love – you get a sense of contrast about all you do, feeling a wider range of experiences during your human journey.

Does this sound a little out there, as far as blogging tips? Yep; it is. You and I are used to solely seeing blog posts promising blogging tips for increasing traffic and profits. We need such tips for order, for practical strategies and for building a rock solid foundation, but following tips alone does not bring blogging success. If this were the case, all bloggers would be wildly successful, who followed simple, sound tips. We know this is not the case. But, blogging from your heart allows you to follow proven, sound tips from the right energy and also allows you to break some blogging rules along the way. Doesn’t that sound like a fun, fulfilling journey?

Don’t worry; blogging success is imminent when following your heart because this center gives all-knowing instructions, guaranteed to cultivate success. Fool-proof mechanism. Even if following your heart feels scary sometimes.


I wrote an eBook solely from the heart because obviously, nobody Googles this title. Buy it if you crave successful blogging lessons learned in a tropical paradise.

10 Blogging Lessons I Learned in Bali (to Accelerate Your Online Success)

About the Author

Ryan Biddulph inspires with his blog, courses and 100 plus eBooks at Blogging From Paradise.

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About Bharani M

This article has been contributed by Bharani M, a web addict with a passion for everything that is well designed. He welcomes your suggestions and feedback.

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But a successful small business also has to consider cost-effective options for office space such as in a small business hub or self-storage as cost-effective commercial storage instead of a warehouse.

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