
How to Build Blogging Momentum

blogging momentum

Losing your blogging mojo feels bad sometimes. I know. Right now, at 6 PM, I am way behind on my blogging work. Perhaps a quick cup of coffee gives me an artificial boost but when outside sources of energy wear off, you find yourself stuck again. In these moments, knowing why you blog gives you instant momentum. I love living a life of fun, freedom and fulfillment. Immediately, I began writing this post. To heck […]


Awesome Tips to Keep Your Business As Successful As Ever

Mark Zeni There are countless ways for you to build your business into something that can keep your main client base satisfied, but the trick is to keep them satisfied while getting in new prospects. Success can be retained in various ways that make your business grow into something you’ve never imagined, so be sure to follow some of these helpful tips to achieve the greatness you desire. Focus on your customers Believe it or […]


Second Step to Beating Writer’s Block: Coming Up With Fresh Ideas

project manager using social media

This post is based on episode 84 of the ProBlogger podcast. In last week’s post I talked about the different types of writer’s block I’ve suffered from over the years, such as: having no ideas to write about having too many ideas to write about continually being distracted starting posts, but never finishing them. This week’s post is all about conquering that first one: having no ideas to write about. I’m going to show you how […]


Blogging Goals: Do You Really Want What You Think You Want?

business goals

I recall having an absolute temper tantrums whenever I checked my email and saw nothing much. I felt depressed because I did not see any business-related email. No clients. No customers. But then I used to judge the low volume of emails I received in negative fashion. Why did I receive a few emails when other established, professional bloggers got more emails daily? I finally woke up by visualizing my dreams. Seeing my dreams in […]


Trends in Marketing: 9 Digital Strategies to Look Out For

As the workforce and consumer market’s next up-and-coming demographic, Gen Z is an attractive target audience for many businesses. Depending on your company, you may want to consider this audience in your social media efforts to engage prospective customers and employees. However, it’s important to remember that each generation has their own unique preferences — what worked in attracting millennials, for instance, won’t necessarily work for Gen Z. To help you target Generation Z on […]


How to Self-Publish eBooks for Increased Blogging Profits

publish ebooks

Blogs are everywhere. Some of them are great and some of them are worthless. With more than a billion different websites and blogs on the internet today, you can see how it’s easy to get lost in the mix, while also understanding how quick and simple it can be to start a blog of your own. However, there are a select few that will actually provide value to individuals on the internet and not only […]


What’s a Membership Site … and Should You Create One?

Do you wish you could make steady income from your blog? Maybe your advertising revenue has peaks and troughs. Sure, it’s great to have that chunk of money come in during the holiday season. But when it’s only trickling in the rest of the time it can be frustrating. Maybe you run a couple of ebook sales each year, which create only a short-term boost in sales. Or perhaps the money you make from promoting […]


2 Mindset Success Lessons I Learned after 20,000 Hours of Blogging

Straight to the point guys. Buy my eBook if you want to think, feel and act like a successful blogger: Creating the Mindset of a Successful Blogger I learned 2 invaluable blogging success lessons over the years. Over 20,000 hours, actually. I have blogged quite a bit over the past 10 years of my life. 2 mindset lessons reign supreme as far as importance because if you do not personally learn and live these lessons, […]


How to Relaunch Your Blog After it Becomes Dormant

Budget Blowing Mistakes on Your project

This post is based on episode 234 of the ProBlogger podcast. Today I want to answer a question I get regularly from listeners: How do you relaunch a blog that’s died or become dormant? I’ll lay out two scenarios for relaunching a blog, and then give you 11 things to consider during a relaunch. Last week a ProBlogger reader asked for advice on how to relaunch their blog, which had been dormant for the past year. […]


What Time of Day is Best to Publish to Your Blog?

This post is based on episode 130 of the ProBlogger podcast. When I started blogging (back in 2005, when RSS feeds were really big), I paid a lot of attention to when I published my posts because it seemed to affect how many people saw them. These days their visibility seems to be affected more by the timing of my social media posts and emails than of the posts themselves. Still, here are a few things […]
