
Seven Warning Signs That Your Blog Needs More Attention

You might think you’re on top of your blogging. You’re publishing posts regularly. You’re even active on social media. But are you paying as much attention to your blog as you should be? If you’re in a bit of a blogging rut (i.e. you’re producing and promoting new content but not much else) then you might be neglecting some other crucial aspects of your blog. Here are seven warning signs your blog isn’t getting the […]


10 On-Page SEO Factors You Should Consider [2019]

Guest Author When you want to succeed in the organic search engine results today, you have to focus on your website and learn what you should do to optimize it. There are many factors that can help you with that, form the technical, off-page, and on-page. All these factors and parts of a website require updating and optimizing for ultimate success. As the year’s pass, we see a lot of people focusing more on off-page […]


1 Blogging Lesson I Learned from Parking a Car in NYC

Landing pages can steal people’s attention. And if you play your cards right, these pages hold the ticket to attracting more customers. However, let’s be clear: Landing pages are double-edged swords. While they can help you, they can also harm you — unless you’ve optimized them accordingly. So if you know your landing page needs work, why not get around it? As you go through this article, you’ll find five landing page optimization tools for […]


5 Simple Ways To Monetize Your Blogs

monetize your business blog

Building an audience and driving traffic to your blog doesn’t have to be simply a labor of love. If you can deliver great content & hot trend topics to a tribe of loyal visitors, today’s virtual landscape offers you more options for successfully monetizing your online real estate than ever before. Whether you’ve chosen to buy website domains that are thriving or have built one from the ground up, the following strategies can help you cash-in on your efforts.

You will be able to set up a virtual business without all the hassles and expense associated with running a physical business. No need to rent expensive premises or pay for expensive advertising – with a monetized blog you won’t need to find a loan and them make regular payments on that loan like so many start up businesses. You can start up with practically no cash and be debt-free.


18 Excellent Free Online Photo Editor Alternatives to Photoshop

Sumo Paint

Are you an amateur photographer? Do you have problems in your images used for SEO after you have done your keyword research? Or more simple, you need to make some changes on your pictures without any built-in free photo editor at your current location? If the answer is yes, then you are at the right place. Here is a list of top 18 online picture editors. Now, many online tools are available to help people […]


8 Best Web Development Tools

Web design and web development is a very crucial aspect of conceptualizing, building, and developing a website which is why it is not surprising that a lot of companies and even individuals get the services of a web development and SEO consultancy. The right web design can help in your SEO efforts for your website. However, even if you are an excellent web developer, you will still benefit from using various web development tools that […]


Web Design, Development and Brand Awareness

Since as far back as I can remember, front-end design trends have changed year by year. It seems that once a particular design style gains prominence, every man and his dog jumps on the proverbial bandwagon. Sometimes for the better, sometimes not. Sometimes it goes horribly wrong and let’s face it, most amateur web designers have the design eye of a newt and should learn from the developers at Ditto Digital SEO consultancy. One thing […]


How to Get Started Blogging: 5 Steps You Don’t Want to Miss

A blog is an essential part of any new business idea. Starting out in the blogging world is exciting, challenging, fun and exhausting at times.  The key points to remember is that everybody struggles as they “learn the ropes” and it is important that you make sure to setup up your site and your actions as if the blog has already reached the goals that you’ve set for it.  By creating a business including those […]


Make Your Blog Outstanding

I have been searching for new blogs, and I am amazed by how much of what is on page 1 for Google is not really adding great value. It seems that there is a national trend to build blogs that pretend to be the font of all knowledge, but are really not. These sites regurgitate information about a specific topic without adding anything new or useful to the reader. Thankfully not all blogs are the […]


Top Small Business Ideas

Small Business Ideas

Small businesses are already exploding and set to become an even greater part of the job scene in the coming years as more and more people look for ways to get out of the rat race and start taking back control of their lives. The idea that you have to work regular hours for one employer at their location has long been cast aside.

Whatever service you choose to offer the options are endless for anyone with knowledge and experience – just some examples are:

Removals service

Help busy people pack and move to a new home – find out how to do it in the most efficient way with this Ultimate Guide to Moving House.

Accountancy Service

With accountants fees typically high it was natural that small businesses would seek an alternative and freelance accountants have provided just that by offering online accounting services for a lower price.

Become A Live-In Carer

There are opportunities in the elderly care sector as a self-employed Live-in Carer. This type of care is becoming increasingly popular among senior people who do not want to go into a residential care home when they become frail and in need of care. There is a growing demand for carers to either visit elderly people every day in their homes to help them with their care needs. This can be for a few hours a day delivering home care services or even on a full-time basis when live-in care is an alternative to a residential care home.

Private Tutor

There are millions of people – children and adults – who need help with one subject or another. It might be help with maths for a child soon to sit important exams – it might be an older adult wanting help using the internet and social media. Or someone wishing to learn a new language from a native speaker.

About us

9BlogTips.com is a community for bloggers and small business owners. We offer useful tips, snippets, tutorials, inspirational artworks and helpful resources that we hope will help you on your entrepreneurial journey.

Those new to blogging often find it difficult to get their blog off the ground and start making money. So here on this community blog we offer tips and advice for small businesses and bloggers. We talk about project management to help you become more efficient at managing tasks, time and resources. And we are always interested in the latest tech tips for bloggers and small businesses like how to do effective seo and digital marketing so people can find your site. Or how to choose the right voice over agency to add foreign languages to your business and YouTube videos to expand your reach worldwide. (Since you ask, we use Matinee Multilingual for voiceovers and subtitles.)

We discuss training and coaching for business owners, change management training, how to promote yourself and your blog and how to raise finance that can help at difficult moments while building your business blog.

But a successful small business also has to consider cost-effective options for office space such as in a small business hub or self-storage as cost-effective commercial storage instead of a warehouse.

Why not join our community by sharing a comment and getting the conversation started.

SEO audit services

3 Tips for New Bloggers


cheap business base and space

Be Passionate

Write Often

Be Social