Business Blog Tips Blog

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5 Major Traits of a Good Employee in any Business Setup

For any business to succeed, it is crucial that its employees are hardworking and self-motivated individuals. According to the statistics of the U.S. department of labor, the average tenure of an employee in the United States is just 1.5 years. This figure indicates two things, Business owners are not paying their current employees well enough and they are looking for new jobs. Business owners are not satisfied with their current employees and are firing them quickly in the hope of finding better ones. In this age of recession, you are very lucky if you get a job related to your...

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Top tips you can learn from a project manager

No matter what job you do it always helps to know a bit about project management. Even if you never plan to be a proper project manager we all need some PM skills from time to time to help us with our daily jobs. Whether you are a sales person who has attended all the latest sales training courses to improve your selling skills, an entrepreneur starting up a business, or just a blogger, work will go more smoothly if you have some basic project management knowledge. You don’t need any fancy tools – just a spreadsheet will do.

The most imprtant bit of advice is to manage the expectations of your customers and clients. You don’t need to attend project management training courses if you are only using project management to streamline your work in another role. But something you can learn from basic project management principles is to manage the expectations of those around you. Don’t promise something you can’t deliver and if something goes wrong make sure you tell people before it becomes an unmanageable problem.

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Top tips for the accidental project manager

No matter what job you do it always helps to know a bit about project management. Even if you never plan to be a proper project manager we all need some PM skills, including if you work in a business such as an SEO consultancy, from time to time to help us with our daily jobs or home projects. Even starting up a business (or just a blog!) will go more smoothly if you have some basic project management knowledge. You don’t need any fancy tools – just a spreadsheet will do. So if this sounds like you check out...

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How To Make Money From Your Blog

So you’ve set up your blog and starting to fill it with fun, engaging content. If you’re anything like me you love writing – giving people your advice about business including technical SEO, or just telling them a bit about your life (or even a lot about your life!). But even though it is fun just blogging you now want to take it to the next stage and make money from your blog. Making money from your blog might seem easy – after all plenty of people do it – but it takes some hard work to get to that...

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Setting Up a Home-Based Business

More and more people want to work from home as they tire of long commutes and office politics, and find they have the means to work effectively from home with a PC and fast broadband connection. But not all companies are as accommodating as they might be in letting employees work from home so increasing numbers of people are going it alone. And it’s not just those who have become jaded by many years on the corporate ladder. It is also young people straight out of university with an entrepreneurial drive and passion to succeed on their own terms. And...

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Budget Blowing Mistakes and How To Avoid Them on Your Project

Project managers always have an eye on the budget, or they should do anyway. Their task, much like any service provider such as an SEO health check provider, is to help their client. In this case by turning their invested capital into a highly effective, deliverable orientated project, packed with as much added value as they can muster. Wantonly going over budget without a care for the consequences is simply not on the radar of most project managers, but sometimes it happens anyway. Occasionally the budget is blown due to circumstances beyond the control of the PM, but these cases...


5 Successful Marketing Tips to Boost your Brand / Blogs

It is not an easy job to market a new blog. If you want to grab the attention of the readers, then your blog must be interesting and unique. There are various online tools that you can use to promote your blogs the fast and easy way but you can also learn from successful sales professionals when it comes to targeting the right people. The best sales people only go after the sales they are confident they can win and don’t waste time on the unprofitable sales or those that they have no chance of winning. This approach is called...


What is the Best Reverse Phone Lookup Directory for Mobile Numbers?

The answer is more complicated than you may think. By the best we mean the directory that will quickly provide us with a complete picture for the unknown number. There are plenty of reasons why we might want to do this, for instance, we may run a small business and want to know if the caller was a potential customer. We may run a small blog and be always on the look out for opportunities to make money and the caller might have been someone we could connect with. Unfortunately, this complete picture exists only in an ideal world. Since...


6 Best YouTube Marketing Advices from Most Favorite Channels

I think there is no one in the world of the Internet, or even in the world, that does not know about YouTube, so I’ll not talk much about it. We should forward directly to the major subject of this post – read the best YouTube marketing tips from those who are maintaining the most successful channels. You may be a new blogger looking for ways to make a living from your blog, general money tips etc. Because you certainly can make money from a blog, especially if you can create a popular YouTube channel connected to it. The jobs...


What CSS3 Brings to the Table

Do you think I’m insane because CSS3 has nothing to do with SEO? Well, let me prove you wrong. If I fail, I’ll buy you a bottle of beer if we meet someday. Lots of innovations that came with CSS3 directly influenced SEO (specifically technical on-page SEO) because they made a whole lot of things more search engine friendly. What’s more, CSS3 made it obvious that some technologies should not be used for creating sites at all because the last version of CSS has most of the necessary features built-in. Once you’re done with reading the post, you’ll be able...