A Tour of My Home Live Streaming Studio

This year I’ve attempted to do live streaming Q&A sessions on the ProBlogger Facebook page on a weekly basis. I have noticed that each time I do go live, I’m getting more and more questions about my set up for live video – whether that’s about what camera I use, my lights, workflow process or the software that helps the whole production.

My set up has evolved over the last few years. Then, late in 2019, we moved into a new home which further pushed me to tweak my set up.

In our old home, most of my streaming happened from my desk but my new office has more room, so I wanted to create a ‘mobile’ video set up that would enable me to stream from different parts of the room.

I purchased a small mobile lectern and began to build my studio on it.

While I’m not sure it will ever be complete – as I’m constantly thinking about ways to improve – I decided recently to create a behind-the-scenes video of the set up.

Live Streaming Gear Mentioned in This Video

Update: New Background Lights

Since filming this video I’ve also added a couple more lighting elements. I wanted to add a bit more color and interest in the background, so I picked up two options:

  1. Aputure MC – this tiny light is amazing. It allows you to choose any color (full spectrum) and adjust intensity and saturation which makes it perfect for adding accent lighting in your background. I’ll use it in a similar way to the Ledgo lights mentioned in the video.
  2. Philips Hue Lights – these ‘smart lights’ from Philips have been a lot of fun to play with. They’re not ‘studio lights’ by any means though but rather have been designed as lights for around the house. Via an app you can not only dim these lights but also choose any color of light that you want.

Initially, I picked up some light strips for behind the TV in our living room but loved them so much that I decided to get some hue lights for the office too.

I got some Hue Play lights which now sit behind my monitor and a couple of globes to go in lamps on my desk. I will use them as background lights in my videos but also am just enjoying having some backlight behind my monitor for when I work.

Here’s is how they look (excuse the lower quality iPhone photos please).

A Tour of My Home Live Streaming Studio

A Tour of My Home Live Streaming Studio

A Tour of My Home Live Streaming Studio

A Tour of My Home Live Streaming Studio

And here’s my latest Facebook Live where you can see those Hue lights in the background.

#AskMeAnything – Where are you watching from and how are you travelling?

If you have any questions/challegnes you think I might be able to help with please ask with ‘QUESTION’ at the start of your comment.

Posted by ProBlogger on Monday, May 11, 2020

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