
Free Work at home Binder to organize your Home and Business – Your productivity assistant

A printable pack to help moms, bloggers and businesses. 300+ pdf pack  – A simple solution to keep track of your business and home life? Download this 300+ page printable to help you organize your home and business – Easy To-do lists to Organise your home (Daily, weekly and monthly) – Chore charts for kids and stickers to reward – Habit tracker – Meal Plan tracker – Growth tracker for your business and home – […]


Black Friday Cyber Monday Blogging Deals for bloggers and small businesses

Looking for Black Friday and Cyber Monday deal? I know you are flooded with Black Friday deals but here are my top picks that may help you grow irrespective of whether you are a new blogger or intermediate one. Here are my top picks based on courses I have bought and liked and what I think could be useful to you. So, no fluff but the best of courses, plugins, themes that you need to […]


Content writing course

If you are a new blogger – start with “How to write content” e-book as it covers how to write SEO optimized content and how to write great headings. You can use these skills to get paid as a content writer or drive traffic to your blog and turn one-time visitors into engaged audiences and raving fans. These skills help you in content writing, writing email headlines that convert, and even writing social media posts. Buy […]


5 Mistakes Bloggers are Making with Online Courses

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash By ProBlogger expert Sam Nordberg. Online courses are the hottest thing right now. Everyone seems to be launching their own course, and looking for ways to make what they believe is “passive income” – but here are five of the biggest makes people are making with their online courses right now: 1. Not thinking about who they are writing for When you are creating a course, you need to […]


7 Simple Ways to Get Even More Engaged Instagram Followers

Guest Author Instagram is one of the most efficient and fastest growing social networks. Brands and businesses love it and leverage it to promote and market their products and services to billions of users worldwide. More and more brands are competing for declining customer attention whose span is now no more than a Goldfish’s at 8s. Hence, brands are going the extra mile to engage followers more. It is important to learn how to get […]


Listen to Your Blogging Heart Not Your Blogging Head

blogging heart

Logic does have its place. Thinking things through rationally can aid your blogging campaign. But listening to your blogging heart is the easiest, quickest way to cultivate long term success. Even though success is not quick or easy, this heart-centered journey is the most seamless path because your inner world, your intuition, your hunches, your gut, none are ever wrong. Every nudge seems spot on. For example, I woke at 7 AM today after a […]


The Pros and Cons of Having Multiple Blogs

This post is based on episode 188 of the ProBlogger podcast As you probably know, I have two main blogs – ProBlogger and Digital Photography School. And I’m very fortunate to be in a position where I could devote all of my time to either one of them and still earn a full-time income. But while are definitely benefits in having two well-established blogs, those benefits come at a cost. So this week I want to […]


How to Build Blogging Momentum

blogging momentum

Losing your blogging mojo feels bad sometimes. I know. Right now, at 6 PM, I am way behind on my blogging work. Perhaps a quick cup of coffee gives me an artificial boost but when outside sources of energy wear off, you find yourself stuck again. In these moments, knowing why you blog gives you instant momentum. I love living a life of fun, freedom and fulfillment. Immediately, I began writing this post. To heck […]


Awesome Tips to Keep Your Business As Successful As Ever

Mark Zeni There are countless ways for you to build your business into something that can keep your main client base satisfied, but the trick is to keep them satisfied while getting in new prospects. Success can be retained in various ways that make your business grow into something you’ve never imagined, so be sure to follow some of these helpful tips to achieve the greatness you desire. Focus on your customers Believe it or […]


Second Step to Beating Writer’s Block: Coming Up With Fresh Ideas

project manager using social media

This post is based on episode 84 of the ProBlogger podcast. In last week’s post I talked about the different types of writer’s block I’ve suffered from over the years, such as: having no ideas to write about having too many ideas to write about continually being distracted starting posts, but never finishing them. This week’s post is all about conquering that first one: having no ideas to write about. I’m going to show you how […]


About us

9BlogTips.com is a community for bloggers and small business owners. We offer useful tips, snippets, tutorials, inspirational artworks and helpful resources that we hope will help you on your entrepreneurial journey.

Those new to blogging often find it difficult to get their blog off the ground and start making money. So here on this community blog we offer tips and advice for small businesses and bloggers. We talk about project management to help you become more efficient at managing tasks, time and resources. And we are always interested in the latest tech tips for bloggers and small businesses like how to do effective seo and digital marketing so people can find your site. Or how to choose the right voice over agency to add foreign languages to your business and YouTube videos to expand your reach worldwide. (Since you ask, we use Matinee Multilingual for voiceovers and subtitles.)

We discuss training and coaching for business owners, change management training, how to promote yourself and your blog and how to raise finance that can help at difficult moments while building your business blog.

But a successful small business also has to consider cost-effective options for office space such as in a small business hub or self-storage as cost-effective commercial storage instead of a warehouse.

Why not join our community by sharing a comment and getting the conversation started.

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3 Tips for New Bloggers


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Be Passionate

Write Often

Be Social