
What Time of Day is Best to Publish to Your Blog?

This post is based on episode 130 of the ProBlogger podcast. When I started blogging (back in 2005, when RSS feeds were really big), I paid a lot of attention to when I published my posts because it seemed to affect how many people saw them. These days their visibility seems to be affected more by the timing of my social media posts and emails than of the posts themselves. Still, here are a few things […]


Pro Blogging Tip: Get Comfortable with Receiving Money

receiving money from blogging

Get comfortable with receiving increasing amounts of money to become a more successful professional blogger. Everybody needs to bump it up a few levels to reach the next stage of their professional blogging career. Pump it up by raising your rates. Raise your prices too. Get comfortable with receiving more money through the products you offer and service you render to reach into even higher circles. Pay close attention to happy, prospering professional bloggers. Pro […]


First Step to Beating Writer’s Block: Finding out Why You’re Stuck

written content Structure and format

This post is based on episode 83 of the ProBlogger podcast. This week I want to talk about writer’s block. Actually, I’ll be talking about it for the next few weeks. It’s such a common problem for bloggers, and it can really mess up your plans of having a successful blog if you don’t learn how to beat it. Notice that I said “beat it” and not “avoid it” because I’m not sure you can avoid […]


Seven Important Things I’ve Learnt from Eleven Years of Freelance Blogging

Have you ever thought of giving paid blogging a go? Maybe you see it as a means to an end, or perhaps a handy way to make some extra money to support your own blog. But paid blogging can also be a great way to super-charge your growth as a blogger. I’ve been a paid blogger for more than 11 years, and in that time I’ve learnt all sorts of useful things. Getting a behind-the-scenes […]


How to Create Products and Sell Them on Your Blog

This post is based on episode 67 of the ProBlogger podcast. This week I want to talk about creating a product for your blog. Last month I talked about my various profit streams, and how nearly a third of my profits come from product sales. And that’s obviously one good reason to create and sell products – it’s a great way to monetize your blog. But there’s another reason you should do it that goes beyond […]


What 2 Travel Blogging Factors Help You Go Pro?

Do you want to jump into the travel blogging game but feel worried about the competition? Consider two travel blogging factors that help you go pro. Bloggers tend to overlook these two factors because most worry about the competition. Kick this fear out of your mind right now. Blog from a creative, not competitive, energy. Making this simple shift does wonders for your travel blogging campaign because you see these two factors easily separate you […]


9 Blogging Hurdles I’ve Faced as a Blogger and How I Got over Them

This post is based on episode 57 of the ProBlogger podcast. Today I want to talk about nine hurdles I’ve faced as a blogger, and how I got over them. While you may never have to deal with them all, chances are there’s at least one you’ve either faced in the past or will face in the future. And so hopefully you’ll be able to get over them (or perhaps around them) without them slowing […]


A Tour of My Home Live Streaming Studio

This year I’ve attempted to do live streaming Q&A sessions on the ProBlogger Facebook page on a weekly basis. I have noticed that each time I do go live, I’m getting more and more questions about my set up for live video – whether that’s about what camera I use, my lights, workflow process or the software that helps the whole production. My set up has evolved over the last few years. Then, late in […]


How to Turn a Boring Blog into Something Special

boring blog Kindle eBook

List building is one of the things you hear and read about everyday in blogging and content marketing. Email marketing in itself is a whole lot of work put together. Many successful bloggers have succeeded to build a large list for their businesses and that works with a lot of attraction. Well, the size of your email list isn’t always a point. The quality and relevance are the most important factors. These go a long […]


What Can You Blog About When All the Good Ideas Are Already Taken?

top tips

When you’re trying to come up with a great idea for a blog post, does it seem like every topic has already been done to death? You might want to write about your ten favourite WordPress plugins. But a quick Google search shows there are dozens of similar posts. Maybe you want to share your experience of raising children, but you know loads of blogs already covering similar ground. Whatever your idea is, there’s a […]


About us

9BlogTips.com is a community for bloggers and small business owners. We offer useful tips, snippets, tutorials, inspirational artworks and helpful resources that we hope will help you on your entrepreneurial journey.

Those new to blogging often find it difficult to get their blog off the ground and start making money. So here on this community blog we offer tips and advice for small businesses and bloggers. We talk about project management to help you become more efficient at managing tasks, time and resources. And we are always interested in the latest tech tips for bloggers and small businesses like how to do effective seo and digital marketing so people can find your site. Or how to choose the right voice over agency to add foreign languages to your business and YouTube videos to expand your reach worldwide. (Since you ask, we use Matinee Multilingual for voiceovers and subtitles.)

We discuss training and coaching for business owners, change management training, how to promote yourself and your blog and how to raise finance that can help at difficult moments while building your business blog.

But a successful small business also has to consider cost-effective options for office space such as in a small business hub or self-storage as cost-effective commercial storage instead of a warehouse.

Why not join our community by sharing a comment and getting the conversation started.

SEO audit services

3 Tips for New Bloggers


cheap business base and space

Be Passionate

Write Often

Be Social